Saturday, January 28, 2012

When they grow up....

I was nursing Pumpkin the other day and overheard this conversation between the other 2 children:

Pickle: "When I grow up I'm going to be a teacher, and a doctor, and.... I want to be everything!" - she really does want to be everything, from a mommy to a teacher, a librarian, doctor, and a blue car. Yup. She doesn't want to drive a blue car, she wants to BE a blue car. I can't judge, when I was her age I wanted to be a horse when I grew up. But back to my story....

She turned to her brother, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
His answer was less ambitious, "a man."
Pickle: "You can't be JUST a man!"
Peanut: "Yes! I be man!"
Pickle: "But what KIND of man? A fireman? A mailman? A driver man?"
Peanut: "A GUMPY man!"
Pickle: "Mooooooooom! He said he's going to be a GRUMPY man when he grows up!"

At least it's a totally achievable goal!

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